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MOE News Release

Technological Universities and Colleges Evaluation Results 2011

9 technological universities and 9 technical colleges were subjected to evaluation, 2 technological universities and 2 junior colleges were subjected to follow-up evaluations in 2011. Evaluation type, quantity, and technological university (technical institute) evaluation items for the academic year are provided in Tables 1 & 2. Ranking statistics of consolidated evaluation are listed below (refer to Table 3):
I. 9 technological universities:
(1) Administrative: 9 schools ranked “A”.
(2) Discipline: 87 (53.7%) departments (colleges) ranked “A”, 74 (45.68%) departments (colleges) ranked “B”; 1 (0.62%) department ranked “C”.
II. 9 technical institutes
(1) Administrative: 8 schools ranked “A”, 1 school ranked “B”
(2) Discipline: 65 (62.5%) ranked “A”, 39 (37.5%) departments ranked “B”.
III. 2 nursing departments: 2 ranked “B”.
IV. Follow-up evaluation on technological universities and junior colleges ranked “C” in 2009:
(1) Technological universities: 1 “A”, 1 “B”.
(2) Junior colleges: 1 “B”, 1 “C”.
All evaluation results are already published on the technological universities and colleges evaluation information Website ( for the general public’s reference.
Besides, in order to cooperate with the MOE’s policy of improving nursing education and enhancing health and care quality, the Higher Education Evaluation and Assessment Center set up Taiwan Nursing Accreditation Council (TNAC) at the center for undertaking evaluations for nursing departments. Starting with 2009, in response to a new cycle of comprehensive evaluation on technological universities and technical institutes, technological universities and technical institutes with nursing department are evaluated by the TNAC.
According to the MOE, a comparison of results between 2011 and the previous year shows that the overall performance of administrative category for 2011 is not very different than the previous year, that is a higher “A” ratio. The MOE desires to let schools activate their internal improvement mechanisms by the evaluation system and raise their operating performance.
Evaluations on technological universities and colleges have been implemented for years in an aim to distinguish good and bad, find out problems, offer directions, urge on improvements, provide suggestions, etc. Over the years, this has drawn attention from schools and related circles and has made some contribution to TVE. In addition to being published, these results will serve as a reference for the MOE to appraise all schools’ tuition and incidental fees, add or adjust departments/classes or enrolment quotas, subsidize project funds, and make related decisions (Table 4).
