Instilling Legal Thinking among Students
Last year, 189 conferences on law were held, and some schools have reached great achievements after years of promotion.
Equal emphasis on crime prevention and propaganda
Nan-Rong Junior High School in Keelung City invited specialists, scholars and police officers to give a speech on crime prevention, the potential problems of youths using the Internet or entering net cafes.
"Our legal education emphasizes campus security and Internet usage," said Huang Min-Zhi, director of student affairs of Nan-Rong Junior High School." We should especially provide students with sufficient legal information about the common school issues such as making Net friends or defamation on the web."
Legal Viewpoints Weekly imparts legal concepts
Nan-Ping Elementary School in Yilan County publishes the Legal Viewpoints Weekly that discusses many legal cases in schools.
"In larceny cases for example, teachers shouldn't harbor any suspicions without any evidence," said Chang Pei-Yuan, director of general affairs of Nan-Ping Elementary School, "instead, they should give the suspect a chance to defend himself."
"Legal Viewpoints Weekly' allows both students and teachers to have a clearer understanding of school legal affairs," said Chang.
Legal concepts in the curriculum
"Democracy and law are two sides of the same coin," said Zheng Ciu-Rong, principal of Chung Hsiao Junior High School in Banciao in Taipei County. "Therefore, we have included legal education in the curriculum as a subject called Civic Conduct."
Chung Hsiao Junior High School also holds weekly activities with legal themes such as lectures on preventing fraud and kidnapping. Students also have to take a quiz that tests their thinking and behavior on the democratic rule of law.