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The NMMBA held a Press Conference to Honor the Coral Reef Ambassadors Program for International Cultural Exchange

The NMMBA held a Press Conference to Honor the Coral Reef Ambassadors Program for International Cultural Exchange
On April 1st, the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium (NMMBA) held a press conference and honored the international cultural exchange program known as the Coral Reef Ambassadors for its outstanding achievements. The program was sponsoned jointly by the U.S. Department of State and the American Association of Museums (AAM), who have awarded it with the “2012 Museum Connect” project. This project aims to connect middle school students and teachers, coral scientists, aquarium staff members, and stakeholders in communities and in the coastal tourism industry from America and Pingtung, Taiwan. Through sharing and transferring technology concerned with coral reef propagation and regeneration, distance learning, cross-cultural exchanges and visits, the project aims to help the young people in both countries to participate in high-tech programs, and develop skills needed in conducting cross-cultural research on coral reefs and their conservation.