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The MOE launched a campaign in September to promote 2013 Teacher’s Month

The Ministry of Education (MOE) planned a series of campaign and promotion activities to promote 2013 Teacher’s Month in September. These events included cooperating with the private sector to offer merchandise discounts to teachers, producing and broadcasting radio programs to tell the award-winning teachers’ stories, establishing relevant websites, and using government agencies’ and educational institutions’ LED television walls and marquees to remind everyone to express thanks to their teachers. In addition, the MOE encouraged municipal and county governments to jointly plan and conduct various promotional activities to spread the spirit of respect for teachers.

The MOE held an award ceremony for “2013 Excellent Teacher Awards, Great Contribution to Education Awards & Excellent Senior Teacher Awards” on September 27. President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) honored the award recipients and their families during the ceremony and then hosted a banquet afterwards. The event was aimed at promoting the spirit of respect for teachers and helping everyone to appreciate their great contribution to the cultivation of students, and their roles in society as a link in keeping the old tradition and inspiring the young generations.
