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Nobel Laureate Dr. Dan Shechtman Visits Taiwan Exchanging Views on Preschool Education with Minister of Education

Nobel Laureate Dr. Dan Shechtman Visits Taiwan Exchanging Views on Preschool Education with Minister of Education

Israeli Nobel Laureate of 2011 Dr. Dan Shechtman visited Ministry of Education (November 16th) to exchange views on preschool education. Welcomed by Minister of Education, Jiunn-rong Yeh, and Political Deputy Minister, Sun-Lu Fan, Dr. Shechtman and fellow meeting attendees discussed the experiences of promoting science education in preschools in both Israel and Taiwan. Attendees include the convener of Taiwan’s Early Childhood Education & Care Curriculum Framework (ECECCF), Professor Marn-ling Shing, from University of Taipei, who shared the science education in preschools in Taiwan, and Professor Hsien-Sheng Hsiao from National Taiwan Normal University, who shared Taiwan’s efforts in STEAM education.

Dr. Dan Shechtman said that his teaching is to treat children as adults and to teach the relevant scientific knowledge of the universe, earth, physics, human body, etc. in a language that children can understand. This way that he has taught  his four children and grandchildren on their childhood has achieved good results. Currently, this innovative science teaching is being carried out in several preschools in Haifa City. He also hopes that will be more cooperation in the future.

During today’s meeting, Minister Yeh expressed that Dr. Shechtman’s philosophy differs from Taiwan’s current approach, which is incorporating science education into an integrated curriculum. The two had an in-depth discussion on several issues, from Dr. Shechtman’s emphasis on treating children like adults and value children’s comments when teaching to his focus on scientific knowledge rather than the hands-on experience. They also exchanged views on cultivating children’s scientific capabilities. Both Minister Yeh and Dr. Shechtman look forward to further conversations in the future.

Today’s visit has deepened mutual understanding. In addition to cultural exchange, this meeting contributes to the friendship between Taiwan and Israel. Ministry of Education is also planning to visit Israel and learn more about preschool education there.
