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Study in Taiwan Information Session at SOAS, University of London

Study in Taiwan Information Session at SOAS, University of London

The Education Division of the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom participated in an evening information session at SOAS, University of London, on Friday January 25, 2019. SOAS hosts Study in Taiwan functions each year, promoting scholarships, and research funding available, as well as opportunities to work and travel in Taiwan.
Mr. Cheng Shyang-Yun, the Deputy Representative, welcomed everyone to the information session. He explained that the purpose of the information session was to provide an overview of the numerous opportunities for international scholars that are available in Taiwan and expressed his hope that many of the people present would soon visit Taiwan to benefit from these opportunities.
Dr. Nicole Yen-Yi Lee, Director of the Education Division, and other Education Division personnel then gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining key aspects of the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship and Taiwan Scholarship programs and the respective application procedures for each. They also distributed Study in Taiwan brochures and other handouts containing detailed information about the various funding opportunities.
After this, Ms. Chen Ya-Hui, Deputy Director of the Administration Division outlined the Youth Mobility Scheme and the MOFA Taiwan Fellowship programme. A colleague in the Consular Division, Ms. Chen Hui-Ying, was also on hand to answer questions about visas and necessary documentation. 
Dr. Dafydd Fell, director of the SOAS Centre of Taiwan Studies, its Deputy Director, Dr. Chang Bi-Yu, and other senior academic staff then shared details of their own experiences of doing postgraduate research in Taiwan and oversaw a Q&A session for the approximately thirty people from SOAS and further afield who attended. The former scholarship recipients among them were encouraged to talk with potential new applicants in the audience about their own impressions of Taiwan and offer advice. As in previous years, the evening information session was extremely successful.

Photo:Mr. Cheng Shyang-Yun, Deputy Representative at the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom welcoming everyone to the Study in Taiwan information session at SOAS.
