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International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Management at National Economics University – A Taiwan Studies Project

Richard R.C. Shihgiving a welcome speech at an international conference on climate change and sustainable management

An international conference - to Enhance Research Collaboration and Experience Sharing between the National Economics University in Vietnam and Institutions in Taiwan on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management - was held in National Economics University on October 28. This is one of the outcomes of a Taiwan Studies Project sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. 

In a welcome speech, Richard R.C. Shih, Representative at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office said that climate changes have caused great challenges to countries around the world, and the value of the research itself is extremely significant, especially given the recent flooding disaster in central Vietnam. He expressed hopes that academic institutions in Taiwan and in Vietnam will continue cooperation about related issues. 

Assoc. Prof. Bui Duc Tho, Vice President of National Economics University said in a welcome speech that this project had had productive research outcomes and opened up further avenues for related research. The results have been presented to the Premier of Vietnam, and to Vietnam’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and he expressed gratitude for the support provided by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education and academic institutions in Taiwan, on behalf of National Economics University, saying that this really illustrated the concept ‘Taiwan Can Help’. 

Four speakers gave presentations at the conference, sharing details of Taiwan’s experience collecting information about natural disasters, building an adaptation knowledge platform, and economic growth and recovery in Vietnam after COVID-19, and enthusiastic discussions followed. 
