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Building a complete sports venue information website & Creating an excellent sports environment Sports Administration launches the national sports facility survey


Sports venues and facilities are not only the pillars to activate the sports industry, but also the cornerstone of the promotion of sports for all and competitive sports. From October 1, 2023 to March 31, 2025, the 2023 “National Sports Facility Survey” project will be conducted by the Sports Administration; it will target more than 1,000 sports facilities across the country covering three aspects including "sports field (venue) management", "facility management" and "barrier-free facilities". The aim is to understand the status of sports facilities across the country, as reference for formulating policies related to sports facilities in the future, and to meet the needs of the public for sports venue information.
According to the Sports Administration, since the first national survey of the current situation of sports facilities conducted in 2019, it has subsidized local governments to develop sports facilities through The Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program programs such as "Program for Creating a Leisure Sports Environment " and "Program for Enhancing the National Sports Environment," with more than 400 cases of construction or renovation of sports facilities were subsidized. In order to understand the increase, decrease, and improvement of sports facilities under the jurisdiction of special municipality and county (city) governments in Taiwan in recent years, National Taiwan Normal University will be entrusted to implement a survey. Taking into account factors such as regionality and execution manpower, the current plan is to invite persons with professional sports backgrounds in the north, central, south, east and on the outlying islands of Taiwan to set up a survey team to conduct survey and analysis work over an 18-month period.

The scope of this survey covers all counties, cities, townships and villages across the country. It will include basic information on various sports venues such as gymnasium parks, civil sports centers, sports parks, parks, single function venues and integrated function venues, ancillary facilities (such as parking lots, toilets, shower rooms, nursing rooms, etc.) and transport information, facility management (78 sub-items in nine major sports categories-ball games, water/ice, land/shooting, racing, adventure, combat, dance, resistance and others) and the current status of barrier-free facilities (number of parking spaces, barrier-free ramps, lifting equipment, toilets, showers, barrier-free services and barrier-free sports equipment or assistive devices, etc. ) On-site inspections will be conducted to confirm the current situation of venues one by one so that the information on the National Sports Venue Information website is complete and accurate.
According to The Sports Administration, the National Sports Venue Information website (website: is an online platform that provides information on sports venues for both citizens and governments. People can easily find the location of nearby sports venues, and obtain detailed information on facilities, opening hours, and reservation methods, etc. The survey results will not only assist in updating national sports venue information network information, they will also enable the government to understand the current supply and demand situation of sports facilities, including the distribution of sports venues that meet international competition standards and sports venues with gender-friendly and barrier-free facilities situation, etc. At the same time, we also call on the management units of sports venues in all counties and cities to cooperate with the survey work and provide real and complete information about sports facilities to improve the accuracy of sports venue information. The survey results will help to formulate sports policies that meet the development needs of competitive sports and sports for all in the future and, moreover, will help Taiwan's bid to host different levels of international sports events, effectively providing a better sports environment, and encouraging more people to participate in or appreciate sports.
