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Education Division at the Taipei Representative Office in Germany Takes Part in Go Abroad Week at RWTH Aachen

Melanie Faber advises students about study opportunities in Taiwan

The International Office at RWTH Aachen, a technical college in Western Germany, organized a Go Abroad Week, from October 23 to 27, 2023. The program included an education fair on Monday afternoon which offered interested students the opportunity to obtain extensive information and advice on studying and internships abroad.
External organizations such as the Education Division of the Taipei Representative Office in Germany, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and Tokyo Tech, and internal university departments and programs each had an area where they could interact with the numerous visitors attracted to the fair, eager to ask questions and engage in interesting discussions. 
Approximately forty students spoke with Education Division personnel, seeking information about opportunities to go to Taiwan during or after their studies in Germany. The Education Division personnel provided details about opportunities  to study or do internships in Taiwan—including different scholarships available and learning Chinese—to interested students.
Most of the students wanted to go to Taiwan as exchange students and they were delighted to hear details of the range of excellent universities in Taiwan. Many had already considered Taiwan as a potential study abroad destination, but others only became aware of Taiwan in this way during their visit to the fair.
On Thursday, October 26, 2023, the Education Division took part in an online consulting session for interested students, which was organized by RWTH Aachen's International Office. More than a dozen students attended presentations about Taiwan, and Taiwan’s education and economy. After the presentations, the students asked the Education Division personnel questions about Taiwan’s education and internship programs.
