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Maine Becomes the First State in New England to Approve Taiwan’s Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) for its Seal of Biliteracy


Taiwan's TOCFL—the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language—assesses Mandarin Chinese language proficiency in listening, reading, speaking, and writing at eight levels, from preparatory to fluent. These levels have been aligned with the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Proficiency Guidelines.
The Education Departments of 49 US states award a Seal of Biliteracy to secondary school graduates who meet the proficiency requirements. The purpose is to encourage American high school students to become proficient in listening, reading, speaking and writing languages other than English: receiving the Seal of Biliteracy will enhance their future higher education prospects and employment opportunities.
Each state, however, determines what range of assessment instruments it will accept as evidence of language proficiency and eligibility to receive its Seal of Biliteracy for each language considered. The Ministry of Education has been promoting the inclusion of TOCFL as one of the recognized instruments for Chinese language proficiency assessment for the Seals of Biliteracy awarded by different US states since 2022. This is in conjunction with widening language education cooperation, in accordance with the U.S.–Taiwan Education Initiative and Taiwan’s Mandarin Education Enhancement Program. 
On March 18, 2024 the Maine Department of Education approved Taiwan's TOCFL—the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language— as one of the recognized assessment instruments for the Maine State Seal of Biliteracy. This means that students in Maine can now submit certificates received for having passed TOCFL at a suitable level to verify their eligibility to be awarded the Seal of Biliteracy for Chinese. 
There are now four states in the US that do so for their respective Seals of Biliteracy: Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, and New York. Maine is the first state in New England to approve TOCFL as an assessment test for its Seal of Biliteracy for Chinese. This is another milestone and a further endorsement of TOCFL's rigor and reliability. 
