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2024 Intensive Training Course for African Elites for the Agricultural Sector Commences


To leverage Republic of China (R.O.C., Taiwan)'s outstanding agricultural technology to assist African countries in cultivating talent in the agricultural sector, and to deepen exchanges and cooperation in education and other areas, the Ministry of Education (MOE), through the "African Elite Talent Cultivation Programme," has established an initiative under which the second "Intensive Training Course for African Elites for the Agricultural Sector" was held (hereinafter referred to as the Course). Planned and implemented by the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, the Course commenced today, July 8.

Experts and representatives from the agricultural sector in eight countries, recommended by R.O.C., Taiwan's diplomatic missions in Africa, are participating in the Course. These countries include Eswatini, Tanzania, Kenya, Somaliland, South Africa, Namibia, Nigeria, and Libya. Course participants include researchers and lecturers from academic institutions such as the Somaliland Institute of Agricultural Research and the Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute in South Africa, professionals from the agricultural industry, agronomists, and officials from the agriculture ministries of African countries, totaling 25 participants.

The " African Elite Talent Cultivation Programme" is a collaborative effort set up by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Overseas Community Affairs Council, and the MOE, in alignment with the African Union's "Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want." The objectives of this initiative regarding education are to utilize R.O.C., Taiwan's strengths in higher education, including medical, public health, teacher training, and vocational training, to assist African countries in cultivating high-level talent and to expand substantial bilateral educational exchanges between academic and research institutions in R.O.C., Taiwan and Africa.

The Course is scheduled for three weeks (from July 8 to July 26, 2024) and is jointly planned by the faculty of the Department of Plant Medicine, the Department of Animal Science, the Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation, the Department of Plant Industry, and the General Research Service Center of Agricultural Science and Technology of the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. The Course focuses on friendly farming and animal husbandry techniques, complemented by lectures from industry experts and visits to relevant agricultural and livestock industries in R.O.C., Taiwan to share insights and facilitate knowledge exchange. The Course aims to enhance participants' foundational knowledge, practical skills, and understanding of R.O.C., Taiwan's agricultural market. Additionally, the International Cooperation and Development Fund and the Ministry of Agriculture will conduct special lectures to introduce agricultural technical missions and other related information through this theoretical and practical training, in order to enhance students. These comprehensive lectures will improve communication and cooperation between participants and R.O.C., Taiwan's agricultural technical missions in their home countries upon their return.

The opening ceremony of the Course was attended by Counselor Mrs. Nontokozo Shongwe-Tsabedze from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Eswatini, Representative Dr. Mohamed Omar H. Mohamoud from the Republic of Somaliland Representative Office in Taiwan, Representative Dr. Hugh Graham Anderson from the Liaison Office of South Africa, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Cooperation and Development Fund, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the MOE. Together, we welcomed the Course participants to R.O.C., Taiwan, hoping that through the training of technical talent in the agricultural field, R.O.C., Taiwan's expertise in agriculture and technical and vocational education can be shared with diplomatic allies and friendly nations in Africa, fostering opportunities for more bilateral cooperation and exchanges in the future.
