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2018 Taiwan Education Fair in Japan’s Kanto Region


On June 22, Lin Shih-Yin (林世英組長), Director of the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan attended the 2018 Taiwan Education Fair in the Kanto Region of Japan and hosted a reception at Gakushuin University (學習院大學) in Tokyo to welcome 43 delegates from 18 universities in Taiwan that participated in the Fair. These included National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, Chung Shan Medical University, and Tamkang University. At the reception, Director Lin thanked the delegates on behalf of the Ministry of Education for participating in the 2018 Taiwan Education fair in Japan. The Fair was held in the Kanto Region, area that contains seven prefectures and the major cities of Tokyo and Yokohama.  He pointed out that learning Mandarin in Taiwan is attractive to Japanese students, and that the number of students doing so is increasing rapidly. There is still room, however, for more Japanese students to undertake degrees in Taiwan, and he urged the university delegates to think about more ways to attract them. For example, the language learning students in Taiwan could be encouraged to enroll in degree programs. During their stay in Japan, the delegates also visited Ushiku High School in Ibaraki Prefecture (茨城県牛久高中), Ikubunkan High School (郁文館高中), Bunka Gakuen University (文化學園大學), Gakushuin University in Tokyo, Tokyo Chinese School (東京中華學校), and Yokohama Overseas Chinese School (橫濱中華學院), to promote both the Mandarin learning programs in Taiwan, and the Study in Taiwan program for degree studies.

Speaking at the Fair, Director Lin thanked all the people from Japan who were interested in studying Taiwan. He said he hopes that the students from Japan will tell the universities in Taiwan what they want and need for their future studies, and he is confident that the universities in Taiwan will definitely provide support for them.

Director Lin welcomed universities and high schools in Japan establishing more bilateral educational ties with Taiwan and said that the Education Division of TECRO in Japan will help individual institutions to find appropriate partner high schools and universities in Taiwan to engage in a wide variety of cross-border educational exchanges.
