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Political Deputy Minister of Education,YEH Ping-Cheng


Yeh, Ping-Cheng

YEH Ping-Cheng


  • Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, National Taiwan University (1992.09-1996.06)

  • Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University (1996.09-1998.06)

  • Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan University, USA (2000.09-2005.07)

Positions in Career

  • Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor, National Taiwan University (2005.08 – 2024.05)

  • Associate Dean, College of Design and Innovation(D-School), National Taiwan University (2022.03-2024.05)

  • Chairman of By The Students (BTS), an innovation education association

    of the Republic of China (R.O.C., Taiwan) (2016.10-2022.09)

  • Political Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education (2024.05 -Present)

