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The Ceremony of 2nd TVE Contribution Award and 4th Senior Craft Master Award


 [MOE News Release]

Vocational Achievements Glorifies Taiwan

The Ceremony of 2nd TVE Contribution Award and

4th Senior Craft Master Award


In order to appreciate and praise those who have been promoting technological and vocational education (TVE) in society and to further enable society and young students to understand TVE’s features in-depth, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOE) held the “The Ceremony of 2nd TVE contribution award and 4th senior craft master award” on May 28, 2012. On the ceremony, education contribution awards were given to 3 groups, 5 individuals and 10 senior craft masters. All of them had been important pushers for abundant TVE achievements.

The MOE has been holding TVE contribution award selections and commendation plans since 2010. This is the second year. Education-related or public figures and groups who have been practically involved and promoting TVE or have significant contributions and who are good models can be nominated for commendation. This plan specially invited schools and TVE related societies (associations) as well as education-governing administrative agencies recommend candidates, of whom the selection team made up by the MOE selected 3 group awards: The Old Tree Magic Workshop, National Taipei University of Technology, Alumni National Association, and Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd.; and 5 individual awards: Founder of Yu Da Education and Culture Group, Dr. Kwang-Ya Wang, President of Sunlight Electronics Laboratory, President Hong-Yi Lin, Chairman of Jinwen University of Science and Technology, Dr. Wen-Shion Chang, Former President of Southern Taiwan University, Dr. Hsin-Hsiung Chang and President of Meiho University, Dr. Shan-Da Liu. They were commended for their contributions and support to TVE.

Award winner of the Individual Group Chairman Wen-Shion Chang has taken part in assessment, system change and name change of high schools (vocational schools), junior colleges, technological institutes and universities and made a remarkable contribution. He has served as chief of laboratory at Union Industrial Research Institute, MOEA; professor and Dean of Academic Affairs in National Kaohsiung Normal University; President of National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology; President of National Taipei University of Technology; President of National Yunlin Polytechnic Institute; and President of Lunghwa University of Science and Technology. During his tens of years of getting involved in TVE, Chairman Chang has been attending to development of TVE, increasing competitiveness of the technological and vocational system, and he has been committed to cultivation of technological and vocational talent. His contribution to and influence on promotion of TVE is remarkable and profound.

In respect of group award awards, the National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT), Alumni National Association was founded in 1994. In addition to assisting its alma mater to develop and enhance its reputation, the association has been consolidating alumni associations at home and abroad and donating for TVE equipment and environmental improvements. Besides, it holds various activities on a regular basis, allows alumni to share social and learning experiences and enables technological and vocational students to emulate those who are better than themselves. In 2011, a job fair “NTUT 100th anniversary and talent selection” was held: celebrating the country and the alma mater’s 100th anniversary, responding to the country’s and enterprises’ development, alumni enterprise feedback to society, benefiting TVE, and offering many job opportunities to young students.

In 2012, the “senior craft master commendation plan” is 4 years old. In order to recognize the outstanding senior craft masters who have dedicated themselves to TVE, schools were invited to recommend excellent senior craft masters from MOE industry-academy classes (including industry master’s class, last mile employment program, senior high school industry-academy cooperation class, senior high school & practical technical program, dual system of vocational training project , etc.). After the cautious evaluation by a committee formed by the MOE, they selected 10 award winners who have been engaged in their industries for more than 20 years, who have excellent skills, and who impart skills: Zhan-Feng Li, Shi-Huang Wu, Guo-Xin Wu, Guo-Yuan Li, Hai-Bin Guo, Ya-Wen Chen, Ling-He Ou, Mei-Yu Cheng, Bo-Wen Cheng, and Xiao-Yi Lai. They were commended for their skill impartment and TVE promotion. Moreover, these senior craft masters have insisted on their professions and concentrated on their passions. They have made a great effort to impart their skills to technological and vocational students.

Mentor International Co., Ltd. President Xiao-Yi Lai began from being a hair apprentice 55 years ago when he was 17. With a pair of scissors, he created the biggest hair beauty chain enterprise in Taiwan. More than 50 years, President Lai has incessantly offered sound educational training and promotion channels, cultivated students at cooperative education class and industry-academy class. Embracing his philosophy of “opportunity only gives those who are ready”, he has imparted skills and instructed “secrets to success” to students – business competitiveness can be created only with ability and strength. Since he established industry-academy class, President Lai has helped a great many students who came from a poor family background. They completed their studies by working part-time. As long as one can work hard and learn, through cooperative education and industry-academy cooperation, underprivileged children definitely can also find a corner in this world to which they belong.

Dongyu Sushu Culinary Manager Shi-Huang Wu insists on selecting the original flavor of food materials based on his 40-year experience by taking cooking to an extreme. Besides, due to his passions for cooking and missions for impartment, he has actively promoted those who are less learned to continue the life of cuisine. He has been teaching cooking to students at technological colleges and universities. Since 2003, he has served as a class instructor on the Last Mile Project at Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science. He provides culinary knowledge to students and practice ability of catering skills. His students won first place in the 4th “2010 Top Talent for New Life”, as well as gold medal in the individual division in the World Golden Chef Competition in Malaysia. Many of his students have served as chefs and teachers at 5-star hotels and catering groups. His contributions are brilliant.

In addition to the awarding ceremony at the site, films documenting senior and craft masters and those who have made contributions to TVE were played. This allowed participants to understand the winners’ selfless contributions to TVE. Through to their efforts, TVE has emitted light and heat and was filled with hope. They concentrated and insisted on jobs and taught without reservation, allowing technological and vocational students to develop their potential more adaptively. Learning by doing, and incessant practice and refinement, also correspond to the spirits of industry-academy cooperation talent cultivation class which the MOE has been aggressively promoting. Through this commendation activity, the public might see the unusual achievements of TVE. In the future, more groups and public figures hopefully will join in to promote TVE. “Choose vocational training, study hard, and you will be something.” Let TVE develop a sustainably and glorify Taiwan.


I. 2nd TVE contribution winners list

(1) Groups


The Old Tree Magic Workshop

National Taipei University of Technology, Alumni National Association

Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

(2) Individuals




Kwang-Ya Wang

YuDa Education and Culture Group


Hong-Yu Liu

Sunlight Electronics Laboratory


Wen-Shion Chang

Jinwen University of Science and Technology


Hsin-Hsiung Chang

Southern Taiwan University

Former President

Shan-Da Liu

Meiho University


II. 4th senior craft masters list



Service unit



Cooperative school

Zhan-Feng Liu

Tea maker / shopkeeper

Yifeng tea Garden

Tea making, electronics repairs


National Miao-Li Agricultural & Industrial Vocational High School


Shi-Huang Wu

Culinary manager

Dongyu Sushi



Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science

Guo-Xin Wu

General manager

Guo Sheng Computer Co., Ltd.

ICT guidance consultant, competencies teaching


Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management

Guo-Yuan Li


Wey Yii Corp.

Machine design & development


National Wu-Feng Agricultural & Industrial High School

Hai-Bin Guo


Sports Art Industrial Co., Ltd.

Design, manufacturing, marketing, machine design of  sports equipment


Kun Shan University

Ya-Wen Chen

Responsible person

Ya Hair Salon

Hair design & fashion


Private Dong Wu Senior Industrial Home Economics Vocational High School

Ling-He Ou

General manager

Horn Liang Foods CO., Ltd.

Egg products processing, foods wholesale, operations and management


National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Mei-Yu  Cheng

Nursing director

Central Clinic & Hospital

Nursing administration


Kang-Ning Junior College of Medical Care and Management

Bo-Wen  Cheng

Catering manager

Hotel Tainan

Chinese food, Western-style food culinary & catering service and technique


HuaTe Vocational High School of Technology & Home Economics

Xiao-Yi  Lai


Mentor International Co., Ltd.

Hair design


Neng Ren Commercial & Household Vocational High School
