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2016 Red Dot Awards – “Best of the Best” and “Junior Prize” go to Taiwan: Chi Mu-Yi and Lin Yi-Sin from Tatung University

Chi Mu-Yi and Lin Yi-Sin, students at Taiwan’s Tatung University, persuaded the 2016 Red Dot Design jury with their excellent 2-minute 48- second black-and-white animation film “Meet, OR NOT” and won the Best of the Best and the Junior Prize in the Communication Design category. This is one of three prize categories, the others being Product Design, and Design Concepts. Each category offers the winning entry a 10,000 euro prize.

Prof. Dr. Shieh Jhy-wey, the Representative of Taiwan in Germany, attended the gala evening accompanied by Ms. Weng Chin-Ying, Director of the Education Division at the Taipei Representative Office in Germany. They both gave these two young winners from Taiwan their hearty congratulations, and expressed their pleasure and pride.

These two talented junior media designers took the phenomenon of “visual illusion” as the very initial idea for interpreting illusions about “Love, Dreams, Work” saying: “It’s like some people and things: they never ever get crossed with each other, even though it looks like that.” The film shows a rolling black ball and a rolling white ball move themselves, sometimes close together, and sometimes distancing themselves from each other, but they never meet each other at all. “That’s the reality,” was the young designers’ summary.
