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Youth Experience Learning - Life Experience, Let the Show Begin


  "Youth Experience Learning Project" of Ministry of Education's Youth Development Administration encourages high school graduates to conduct experience learning. The youth conduct domestic and abroad self-learning for 2 or 3 years through making proposals on their own to explore their own personalities, interests, and life purpose. The experience learning activities are categorized into volunteering services, grand tour exploration, traineeship, entrepreneurship, and community apprenticeships. In 2018, Yi-Shan, Wei participated in the project of experience learning program and joined Legend Lin Dance Theatre because she loves dancing.

  Yi-Shan, Wei has studied ballet and modern dance since childhood. She has never found a solid reason of why she loves dancing so much until her ninth grade in Hai Siann Waldorf Education. She watched a documentary – The Walkers presented by Legend Lin Dance Theatre; in that film, Ms. Li-Zhen, Lin indicated,” In theatre career, we need not only technique to perform, to compose, and to dance but having some inner senses; we have to understand the world.” Ms. Lin’s words has woken Wei up and taught her that it takes efforts and comprehension skills to master everything. Moreover, it has changed her thoughts on dance and theatre industry, gave her a purpose to participate in "Youth Experience Learning Program", and paved her way to conduct experiential learning and gradually implement her ideas.

  "Culture" is a gift that Yi-Shan, Wei hopes to give back to the motherland. She likes to climb mountains, loves nature, learns from the world; she likes to dance, has a passion for theatre. She enjoys the sweat and tears throughout the process, and she transforms the soreness of the body into the power of advancement. She loves to travel and learn different cultures form different places. Therefore, Yi-Shan, Wei made good use of dancing as the foundation, joined Legend Lin Dance Theatre, strengthened physical training, studied art administration and other theater experiences, and extended the discussion of the relationship between beings and nature, ancient cultural knowledge and practice. In addition to participating in the theatre, Wei also live in nature and experience how the ancient people live peacefully with nature without sacrificing it, and put Mother Earth Tracker Studio’s method into practice to improve life without harms.

  In the summer of 2018, Yi-Shan, Wei went to Panganan Island in the Olang Islands of the Philippines to learn the ancient wisdom with her partner from the Mother Earth Tracker Studio. For her, it wasn’t about how to learn to "live in the wild," but how to "live with nature" and to experience the beauty of nature. They see the sky as the roof and the ground as their bed, returning to a very primitive, natural and simple state in life. Over the past few weeks, Yi-Shan, Wei learned from local people to observe the tides, the sun, the moon and the stars, using the stems and leaves of coconut trees and the outermost layer of coconut shell to weave and twist threads. "The only method to truly learn and understand is to experience it in person on your own." The people we shared the land with together also whole-heartedly share their experiences with Wei.

  Legend Lin Dance Theatre’s feature aesthetic movements are mainly "slow". During slow movements, all the details will be enlarged, and the depth of each muscle throughout the movements is very particular. Yi-Shan, Wei said: "Legend Lin Dance Theatre is different from the general dance studio, it has no mirrors. Because there is no mirror, I can't see if my movements are correct, it requires more of my own physical awareness and introspection." This completely broke her previous understanding of physics. She used to only think about doing the movements well, but using the wrong muscles. The teacher always said, "The abdominal core muscles should be used first," or "the pelvis must go first, then the body." Wei always felt her body observation was not subtle when she first started training at the beginning, but the teacher encouraged her, “It is fine to be imperfect, but you must do your best!" This is not only educational for her on body training, but also a life lesson for her.

  In June of this year, Yi-Shan, Wei followed the dance troupe to Russia to attend the Chekhov International Theatre Festival in Moscow and Yekaterinburg. During this trip, she was responsible for the work at the prop division, from the preparation before departure to the behind scenes abroad. The preparation needed to be done very carefully and delicately, so that the props can be perfectly presented on stage. During the performance, she also carefully observed the entire process of a dance troupe and learned the knowledge and culture of many other dance troupes. When she heard that the dancers needed help, Wei also volunteered to help. During this over-10-day performance tour, Wei encountered many unexpected situations, but under the discussion and coordination with other teammates, Wei learned the importance of teamwork and partnership. “It is a profession that requires a lot of people to work together." Wei said.

  Yu-Shan, Wei has a deeper understanding and reflection on self-worth through "Youth Experience Learning Program." Looking back at the most basic physical training in the theatre to official performance rehearsal, Wei experienced setbacks in the middle; however, her optimism, the care, guidance, and encouragement from the teammates and teachers had quickly revived and regained her passion, perseverance , and will. One step at a time, weaving all the tears, sweat, soreness, and exhaustion together; it was tough, yet she is fascinated by such a process.

  "Youth Experience Learning Program" helps the youth broaden their horizons and explore themselves to develop their future career aspirations and gives young people who have dreams a chance to get out of their comfort zones. After reading Wei's story, if you have goals; let’s be brave and believe in yourself. Yes, you can do it!! Do you look forward to knowing more about the stories of the youth involved in the project? Youth Development Administration produces “I am fabulous” theme video. Visit us at Youth Development Administration website or Grand Tour Experience Learning Website.
