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111 Took Part in First Batch of TOCFL 2014 in Malaysia

The first Test of Chinese as Foreign Language (TOCFL) tests in Malaysia this year were held on 4 May. The exam-takers comprised both students and members of the general public from Malaysia and a number of other countries, namely Indonesia, Japan, Korea, and Singapore. The TOCFL test is divided into three categories, Band A, Band B, and Band C, catering to different levels. Over 80% of these exam-takers registered for Band C.

The testing was organized by the Malaysia Taiwan Education Center (MTEC) in conjunction with University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) and took place at the university’s Petaling Jaya Campus.

The test was overseen by Mr. Chu To-Ming, director of the Education Division at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia; Mr. Beh Chew Nam, Chief Executive Office of MTEC; and Dr. Ewe Hong Tat, University Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Vice-President (Internationalization and Academic Development).

The organizers reported that of 116 people who registered to be tested, 111 turned up: an attendance rate of 95.69%.

At a press conference, Mr. Beh pointed out that TOCFL results have great practical value. As well as providing a clear record of language learning progress, they can be used as proof of language proficiency for people who intend to apply for a Taiwan Scholarship or to be admitted to a university in Taiwan.

Planning is underway to offer a second opportunity to participate in TOCFL tests in Malaysia in 2014 in the second half of the year in the northern part of Malaysia. The actual date and venue will be announced later. The public is urged to browse the MTEC website from time to time for details.
