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National Tainan First High School students visit Kobe Nada High School

National Tainan First High School students visit Kobe Nada High School
A delegation of 87 teachers and students from National Tainan First High School (abbreviated below to Tainan First High) visited Kobe Nada High School (abbreviated below to Nada High) on May 26. These two famous schools are both blessed with exceptional students with abundant talent.

A delegation from Tainan First High first visited Nada High two years ago with the assistance of TECO in Osaka, and that left a deep impression on everyone involved. Much time went into planning and preparing this year’s visit. The exchange activity attracted 130 Nada High students, and the venue was packed.

Two Nada High students hosted the activity in Chinese and English, and spoke first about their school’s outstanding result in the International High School Science Olympic Competition. They spoke Chinese so fluently that they were suspected of being Taiwanese . Two Tainan First High students representatives then gave a brief presentation about their school, and the history and culture of Taiwan, in fluent Japanese and English. One of the representatives finished by telling the story of how he just won the silver medal in the same International High School Science Olympic Competition last year. His achievement drew warm applause from the Nada High School students and teachers.

The Nada High Choir then sang some Japanese folksongs to welcome the Tainan delegation, and in response the Tainan First High visitors formed an impromptu group and sing Taiwanese folksongs to express their thanks for the arrangements made by their Japanese hosts.

After the singing, the students of the two schools formed groups and exchanged views on school life and lifestyles. The Japanese students praised the excellent foreign language skills of the Taiwanese students, while the Taiwanese students thought that Japanese high school mathematics was more difficult than the mathematics they were studying in Taiwan.

At the end of the exchange visit, the Nada High teachers and students waved farewell to the Tainan First High delegation at the school gate, and they were invited to visit Taiwan and Tainan to continue friendly exchanges.
