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Da-Hsin Elementary School Victories at the 2014 Partille Cup in Sweden

Teams from Da-Hsin Elementary school in Taichung City won their divisions of the 2014 Partille Cup international handball competition in Gothenburg (formerly called “Göteborg”) in Sweden on July 5, 2014. The Partille Cup is the world’s largest and most international youth handball tournament, for competitors aged from ten to 21. This was its 45th consecutive year and 1,023 teams from 41 nations participated, playing more than 4,000 games. According to its website*, Taiwan ranks a strong fourth among all competing countries for its overall performance since the competition began. The first three places are all taken by local Scandinavian countries: Sweden, then Denmark, and Norway.

As expected the competition was fierce this year, with over 40 teams in each division. Nevertheless two teams from Da-Hsin Elementary school in Taiwan—the girls’ eleven-year old group 2 team, and the girl’s twelve-year old group 2 team—won their finals matches.

Frank Chen, the Acting Director of the Education Division of Taipei Mission in Sweden attended the competition and gave the teams encouragement and advice, and then his congratulations.
