Education Director Lin attends the Opening Ceremony of the National Chiao Tung University Liaison Office
Taiwan’s National Chiao Tung University (國立交通大學) unveiled its overseas liaison office at Japan’s Tohoku University (國立東北大學) on the 3rd of November, 2017, with Dr. Mau-Chung Frank Chang, president of National Chiao Tung University (張懋中校長), and Dr. Satomi Sususmu, president of Tohoku University (里見進校長) jointly officiating at the ceremony. Kakizawa Michi (柿澤未知部長), director at the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association (日本台灣交流協會), and Lin Shih-Yin (林世英組長), director of the Education Division at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, were invited to attend.
Director Lin Shih-Yin thanked Dr. Satomi for his support of the Taiwan-Japan University President Forum in 2016 (2016年臺日大學校長論壇), and of the hosting of the forum at National Cheng Kung University (國立成功大學). He pointed out that data provided by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (日本文部科學省), also known as MEXT, indicates that Taiwan ranked fourth in Japan’s cooperation with overseas universities, with 1435 cases. This is a clear indication of the strong and close ties between education institutions in Japan and their counterparts in Taiwan.
National Chiao Tung University and Tohoku University have both established offices on each other’s campus, setting an example of new progress for education-related exchanges. Director Lin said that he hopes other universities will follow their example and establish their own overseas offices, in order to strengthen educational relations, and he looks forward to working with many different people.
With the establishment of offices in both universities, two new projects have been set in motion: a Double Degree Program (雙學位計畫), and a Collaborative Research and Joint Laboratory project (協同研究及聯合實驗室).
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