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2018 Autumn Mandarin Chinese Learning and Study in Taiwan Experience Sharing

2018 Autumn Mandarin Chinese Learning and Study in Taiwan Experience Sharing

On November 8, Lin Shih-Yin, Director of the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, hosted the 2018 Autumn Mandarin Chinese Learning and Study in Taiwan Experience Sharing Event, at the Taiwan Cultural Center in Japan. 

Twenty people attended the event: six teachers, and fourteen students who have experienced studying in Taiwan or learning Mandarin Chinese at the Shintomi Chinese Language Center (新富中国語教室), Aoyama Gakuin University (青山学院大学), Mejiro University (目白大学),  Kokugakuin University (國學院大學), Hitotsubashi University (一橋大学), Tokoha University (常葉大学), Ochanomizu University (御茶水女子大學), Waseda University (早稻田大學), and Yokohama Overseas Chinese School (橫濱中華學院).

In his opening remarks, Director Lin explained the importance of perseverance, using the famous baseball player Sadaharu Oh (王貞治) as an example. He said that not all of us are born to be clever or a genius, but we can all enjoy progress, if we make our best efforts to succeed. Learning Chinese is the same: if we persevere in our learning then we will finally see our efforts bear fruit. By learning a different language, we will see different points of view and create a better world.

Ms. Chisato Yamada (山田智里) from Shintomi Chinese Language Center, who attended an intensive Chinese Language program hosted by Tamkang University in August this year, said that she learned how to use Chinese to order drinks and she mentioned that the kindness of Taiwanese people had impressed her a lot.  

Ms. Yu Nanri (南里優) from Aoyama Gakuin University, thanked Japan Airlines for giving her the opportunity to go to Taiwan for an exchange program. She then told an interesting story about her friend’s experience of successfully finding a boyfriend after visiting Longshan Temple in Taipei. And she recommended a visit to Longshan Temple for good luck for those who hope to find Mr. or Ms. Right before the end of 2018.
Ms. Mika Saga (佐賀美香) from Yokohama Overseas Chinese School said that even though she has been studying Chinese for more than ten years, she still finds limited opportunities for using Chinese in Japan. However, recently at her part time job, she was delighted to be able to communicate with customers from Chinese speaking countries and help them to get the products they wanted. This has made her feel more confident about her Chinese proficiency. 

After hearing the students share their experiences, Feng Yen-Kuo (馮彥國), the principal of the Yokohama Overseas Chinese School, told everyone about learning different languages and encouraged the students to grasp the opportunities to learn Chinese. 
After the formal exchanges, a party was held to let the participants a chance to enjoy interacting together.

Photo:The exchange participants.
