3 Taiwan Universities Selected as IISMA 2021 University Partners

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Indonesia launched a fully-funded scholarship program called Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) on May 11, 2021 through the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI). Its purpose is to assist 1000 qualified undergraduate students from Indonesia to spend one semester at a top overseas partner university to study, and engage in cultural exchanges and international networking.
IISMA is designed as one of the implementations of the Ministry’s Freedom to Learn – Free Campus policy. This provides access to flexible experiential learning programs in order to facilitate Indonesian students developing their competence in areas of their interests and talents. The program will cover the costs of participating students’ registration and tuition fees, transportation, a living allowance, health insurance, and Visa & PCR tests before their departure.
Before IISMA was launched, DIKTI invited 267 potential partner universities in 43 countries to send proposals and register for the selection process. The university partners have to meet several criteria, including being able to: organize international undergraduate level courses, organize practical assignments to hone students’ skills, facilitate cultural programs for students, provide health services assistance—such as with insurance, PCR tests, and quarantine fees—and organize quarantine for students on their arrival.
DIKTI finally selected 60 top overseas universities from 28 countries to join IISMA 2021. Among them are three universities in Taiwan: National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and National Taiwan Normal University that lodged their proposals with the assistance of the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO) in Jakarta. More Taiwan universities are expected to submit proposals to participate in IISMA in the future.
IISMA 2021 is scheduled to start in the 2021 Fall semester. Further information about the IISMA program is available on https://kampusmerdeka.kemdikbud.go.id/web/IISMA.