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Additional NT$1000 Fitness Vouchers on offer as the Sports Administration encourages people to do sports in summer


To welcome the summer vacation, the peak season for sports, the Sports Administration has extended the expiry date of Sports Vouchers until the end of August this year. Also, in response to the requirement that people using fitness centers had to be triple vaccinated April-May, 300,000 NT$1000 Fitness Vouchers are being offered to help out fitness center operators affected by the triple vaccine requirement.


The Sports Administration states that for epidemic prevention considerations, from April 22, 2022 fitness center users were required to be triple vaccinated for COVID; on May 27, the requirement was relaxed with the introduction of the accompanying measure “Those who are not triple vaccinated should wear a facemask when exercising and maintain social distancing.” The main aim of the issue of Fitness Voucher this time is to assist fitness center operators affected by the triple vaccine requirement in the above period; and also to encourage people, while returning to normal life and paying attention to epidemic prevention, to go to fitness centers to exercise in summer, for their own health and to help revitalize the sports industry.


The additional Fitness Vouchers are limited to use at fitness centers affected by the triple vaccination requirement.In coordination with the issue of Fitness Vouchers, fitness center operators have actively introduced additional promotion programs, including AlldaySports,Anytime Fitness,True Yoga,World Gym, Genghis Khan Fitness Club, and Yonghe, Taishan and civic sports center fitness centers. Details of related promotions and the Sports Vouchers (easy guide, promotion information, QA etc.) will be posted on the Sports Voucher website. People are invited to make good use of the promotions and together help revitalize the sports industry.


The Sports Administration reminds everyone that Sports Vouchers(including the additional NT$200 vouchers) will expire on August 31 so they should quickly use them to do sports or is watch sports at specially engaged operators in the remaining period. For more information go to the Sports Voucher website or call the special line (02)7752-3658.
