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Press Conference for Premiere of Documentary Entitled "Education Bridges the Cultural Divide"

Press Conference for Premiere of Documentary Entitled "Education Bridges the Cultural Divide"

To help foreign women who have married Taiwan men adapt to life in Taiwan more quickly, the Ministry of Education is encouraging them to take lessons provided by the government and expressed hope that their husbands and in-laws can support the government's effort. To this end, MOE has sponsored filming of the documentary "Education Bridges the Cultural Divide". The press conference for the premiere of the documentary was held on December 13, 2007.

MOE in 2005 drew up a plan to develop a new immigrants' culture. A lifetime learning system was created for wives of foreign nationalities (foreign wives) to learn to read and write Chinese, with review sessions and family education provided. In addition to helping them adapt to life in Taiwan, three learning centers for new immigrants were set up in Taoyuan County, Nantou County and Tainan City with the objectives of helping Taiwan nationals better understand new immigrants and promoting exchange and melding of Taiwan culture with those of the new immigrants.

To give foreign wives the incentive to take the initiative to participate in study activities, and to film the documentary, MOE has invited veteran director Mr. Tsai Tsung-Lung, director of the documentaries "My Imported Wife" and "Chinese Brides in Taiwan". The film faithfully portrays the lives of several foreign wives, indicating the efforts they have made to adapt to life in Taiwan and manage their families. The aim is to encourage other foreign wives to take part in studying Taiwan culture, in the hope of sending the message that "education bridges the cultural divide" to foreign wives as well as to the general public, in an effort to increase their knowledge of foreign wives and respect and accept them.

The documentary tells the stories of three foreign wives. They are Mmes. Gao Xian-xiang, Ruan Cui and Wu Yu-cui. Though their lives are different, with the help of their families and through their own efforts, they have all managed to settle down and start families in Taiwan.

In addition, to let more people understand and take advantage of the policies regarding foreign wives drawn up by MOE and the resources it has made available to them, MOE is to hold 12 forums across the country from December 14, 2007 to January 6, 2008. The forums will feature three major themes: (1) Understanding differences: Learning to understand different cultures; (2) Joining Taiwanese society: Foreign wives joining Taiwanese society through education; (3) Zero distance: Helping foreign wives solve difficulties they face living in Taiwan. With the presentation of documentaries and experience sharing among instructors and foreign wives, MOE hopes to enable the public to have a better understanding of foreign wives.

MOE hopes to promote the experience of and achievements made by foreign wives through press conferences for the premiere of documentaries so that all of us can appreciate different cultural values.

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