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The International BeSt3 Job, Training and Education Fair in Vienna, Austria

The International BeSt3 Job, Training and Education Fair in Vienna, Austria
The Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Austria took part in 4-day BeSt3 Job, Training and Education Fair in Vienna between March 6 and March 9, 2014. BeSt is an international event, jointly organized by Austria’s Federal Ministry for Education and Women (BMBF), Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW), and the Austrian Employment Service (AMS).

BeSt caters for an enormous range of people: secondary education students and graduates, current university students, school and university drop-outs, parents, teachers, university graduates, people in work, and those interested in continuing education. Its principal catchment area comprises Vienna, Lower Austria, and Burgenland but it also attracts interest from Upper Austria, Styria, Salzburg, and neighboring countries. This year, the approximately 340 exhibitors included universities, universities of applied science, academies, private providers of educational programs, language schools, and companies providing information about jobs and their in-house training programs. Approximately eighty-three thousand people visited the BeSt3 - Job, Training and Education Fair in Vienna, Austria.

The Education Division at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Austria is keen to encourage Austrian students and those from neighboring countries to study in Taiwan. The four days of the Job, Training and Education fair give students, teachers, and parents from Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary a convenient opportunity to get a lot of practical information about studying in Taiwan; especially in the areas of higher education and Chinese learning. The BeSt Job, Training and Education Fair is an excellent opportunity for the Education Division to promote the international higher education program, summer school programs, learning Chinese, the Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship, and the TOCFL test, and answer any questions people raise.

Most people asked for information about what scholarships are available, short-term and summer courses, degree programs taught in English, Chinese language learning programs, and traditional Chinese medicine programs. They expressed great interest in visiting Taiwan and studying in Taiwan.
