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Building a Bridge between Native American Indians and Taiwan’s Indigenous Tribes

Building a Bridge between Native American Indians and Taiwan’s Indigenous Tribes

In spring, 2013, the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) hosted a language symposium at the Meskwaki Settlement in Tama, Iowa. The symposium was an opportunity for UNI faculty and staff to share their expertise in teaching a second language with culture teachers at the Meskwaki Settlement School. These culture teachers are charged with teaching Meskwaki children the Meskwaki language. Professor Craig Klafter, Associate Provost for International Programs at UNI, organized the event and invited world-renowned Professor Lim Siu-Theh, Director of the Center for Aboriginal Studies at National Chengchi University (NCCU) in Taiwan, to deliver the keynote address. Professor Lim has been spearheading efforts by the government of the Republic of China to preserve the 44 languages and dialects of Taiwan’s 14 indigenous tribes. Professor Lim was accompanied by Professor Huang Ji-ping and Dr Li Tai-yen, also from the NCCU Center for Aboriginal Studies.
