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Brussels’ Taiwan Student Association’s annual orientation activity

Brussels’ Taiwan Student Association’s annual orientation activity

For the last few years, the Taiwan Student Association (TSA) in Brussels has organized orientation activities each year to welcome newly arrived students from Taiwan to Belgium. The aim is to help the newcomers be able to quickly get accustomed to their new environment and find out about the support available if they encounter any problems while living and studying in Belgium. This provides everyone with a warm start to their studies in Brussels.

TSA Brussels held the orientation dinner for this year’s new arrivals on December 4 at the Taiwanese style Tai Hon restaurant in Brussels: 25 students from National Taiwan University, and National Chengchi University and other universities attended this friendly event. Ms. Huei-wen Hsu, the Director of the Education Division of the Taipei Representative Office in the EU & Belgium, was also invited. Given the increased number of students from Taiwan at the Royal Conservatories of Brussels and at the ULB, new initiatives to organize more activities and possibly develop a separate TSA at each institution were discussed. The evening concluded with happy faces, exchanges of contact details, and the expectation of more activities being held by TSA, and a larger number of students joining.
