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Columbia University receives book donation from Taiwan

Columbia University receives book donation from Taiwan

NEW YORK, May 2 , 2014 – Columbia University Libraries/Information Services’ (CUL/IS) C. V. Starr East Asian Library has received a significant donation of books from the National Central Library and eight academic university in Taiwan, including National Taiwan University Press, National Taiwan Normal University Press, and Taipei National University of the Arts Press. The books include “A Legacy Magnified – A Generation of Chinese Americas in Southern California 1980’s ~ 2010’s” donated by the South Coast Chinese Cultural Association.

The donation consists of 476 titles and more than 500 volumes of recently published titles selected for an exhibition at the 2014 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference in Philadelphia. The exhibition was organized by the National Central Library of China (NCL), Taiwan, in cooperation with the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation.

The donation was coordinated by the Education Division at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in New York and formally presented by Dr. Charlin Chang, Director of the Education Division, at a reception in the exhibition hall in New York on March 28. Jim Cheng, Director of the Starr Library, received the donation on behalf of Columbia University Libraries.

“Through the exhibition, the conference, and this donation to Columbia, the high quality scholarly publications in the field of Chinese studies in Taiwan will be better known and used by American researchers and students”, said Dr. Charlin Chang. “Collaborative relations between Taiwan academic institutions and the U.S., particularly Columbia, will be further strengthened.”

“Columbia faculty and students will benefit greatly from this donation” said Mr. Cheng. “Columbia successfully cooperated with TECO and other Taiwan academic partners in several international outreach projects in 2013, including the Taiwan Documentary Film Festival and Symposium, and the Lecture on Taiwan’s Digital Resources and the Study of Chinese Religious Culture, co-hosted by NLC and Columbia. We look forward to more cooperative projects in the future.”

Also present at the reception were Jenny Wang, Deputy Director of TECO’s Education Division; Hsiu-ling Sun and Huei-Zhu Chuang, both editors of Chinese Studies of NCL; Tzu-Ling Chiu of the National Taiwan University Press, and Yu-jing Wang of Taipei National University of the Arts from Taiwan; Ria Koopmans-Debruijn, Head of Public Services at the Starr Library; Sarah S Elman, Head of Technical Services at the Starr Library; and Chengzhi Wang, Chinese Studies Librarian at the Starr Library.

Photo:On behalf of Columbia University, Director Jim Cheng (5th from left) accepts a treasure trove of books from National Central Library and 8 Taiwanese universities, presented by Education Director Charlin Chang (6th from left)
