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HUB Calligraphy Competition Award Ceremony

HUB Calligraphy Competition Award Ceremony

On May 20, the Taipei Representative Office in the EU & Belgium, in collaboration with the KULeuven campus Brussels-HUB, organized an award ceremony for the Chinese calligraphy competition held earlier at the HUB-campus. This traditional Chinese cultural activity was organized in the context of the Chinese language classes taught at the HUB Faculty of Humanities. The competition attracted over 50 participants, who all had a great time writing Chinese characters with special brushes.

Ms. Hueiwen Hsu, the Director of the Education Division, and Ms. Twricy Hsu, a teacher of the language classes, presented awards to the best three participants: Elisa Personnes, Hanna Demauw, and Deborah Morales Morales. Elisa and Deborah are both studying Chinese at the HUB. Hanna has never learned the language, but now plans to start studying Chinese in the upcoming academic year.

Based on the success of this calligraphy competition, the HUB has decided to change the arrangements of future similar events. They hope the new arrangements will attract even more students who are interested in Chinese culture to participate and possibly also take advantage of the Chinese language learning opportunities currently on offer.
