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Students from Missa Junior High School in Tottori Prefecture Learn about Taiwan

Students from Missa Junior High School in Tottori Prefecture Learn about Taiwan

On May 9 Dr. Lin, Deputy Director of the Education Division at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Japan hosted a visit by four outstanding students from Missa Junior High School in the town of Missa in Tottori Prefecture

The 4 students visited the TECO office accompanied by their school principal to learn more about Taiwan. They are in their final year and are having a trip around Tokyo from May 8 to May 10. As well as visiting education institutes all around Tokyo the students went to many different embassies to learn more about other cultures and increase their knowledge and global vision. Another purpose of the trip was to enhance their awareness of working places and what the concept of being hard-working entails.

Dr. Lin first outlined geographic details about Taiwan and the location of the cities and counties, and then the education system in Taiwan, particularly the number of schools, and junior high school students.

The students were very interested to hear Dr. Lin describe the typical daily schedule of a junior high school student in Taiwan the one-day schedule: their first day of school, the time table, subjects, home to school transportation, cleaning services, the flag ceremony, morning and evening self-study periods, school breakfasts and school lunches, typical class settings, club activities, and going to cram schools after school. Dr. Lin also taught the students some basic Chinese words and phrases.

The Japanese students were particularly interested in the school breakfasts, the school hours, the morning self-study, and the cleaning services, commenting that these aspects are very different from the Japanese system, and they were very curious about them, especially the idea of a period for napping after lunch.

Dr. Lin gave the junior high students a tour of the office before they ended their visit, explaining the different divisions and the kind of consular matters that each division looks after. All 4 students said that they hoped they would have a chance to go to Taiwan and interact with Taiwanese students, whether just travelling or for some academic purpose. They also promised to share what they had learnt at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office with other students.
