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Chinese Studies International Symposium Held in Leiden

Chinese Studies International Symposium Held in Leiden

The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) organized a 3-day Taiwan Studies Seminar entitled Deliberative Governance in East Asia at Leiden University from June 26 to June 28. IIAS describes itself on its seminar publicity material as working “both as an academically informed think tank and as a clearinghouse of knowledge”. The following details are from the seminar focus outlined on its website: “Frustrated by institutionalized ways of thinking and doing politics, proponents of deliberation contend that an argumentative approach offers much potential to increase genuine participation and set right the problems of legitimacy deficit in liberal democracy. With various forms of realization, deliberation is now a widespread occurrence in fields as diverse as urban planning, education policy, environmental disputes and bioethics. And yet, deliberation is not exclusive to liberal democracy. Irrespective of regime type, many governmental agencies are beginning to take an interest in deliberation, viewing it as a meaningful alternative to traditional modes of planning and conflict resolution.” ( Not surprisingly, this fascinating topic area drew over 30 international scholars from China, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Taiwan, the UK, and the US, all contributing to the seminar’s great success.

The seminar was convened by Prof. Chao Yung-Mau from National Taiwan University with the assistance of Dr. Wang Ting-Jieh, also from National Taiwan University. Prof. Chao currently holds the Taiwanese Chair of Chinese Studies at the International Institute for Asian Studies. It was co-sponsored by the Taipei Representative Office in the EU & Belgium, and the Taipei Office in the Netherlands. The Ministry of Education in Taiwan signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Institute for Asian Studies in 1996, setting up a Taiwanese Professorship Programme there, and this was most recently renewed in 2011. Each year one or two scholars from Taiwan spend between six months and an academic year at Leiden University teaching, and undertaking research, and each year they convene a Chinese Studies seminar, including Taiwan-related aspects.
