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Pre-departure Orientation for EU-officials for Study Trip to Taiwan

Pre-departure Orientation for EU-officials for Study Trip to Taiwan

The Taipei Representative Office in the EU & Belgium organized an orientation meeting on July 10 for the EU-officials soon to be leaving for Taiwan to take part in the Taiwan Study Seminar or in the Mandarin Training Programme. More than 30 people were present. Welcoming remarks by Dr. Wang Wan-li, the deputy representative, were followed by a presentation by Ms. Huei-wen Hsu, Director of the Education Division, about Taiwan’s academic relations with Europe, funding opportunities for Benelux, and other education related matters. Two EU officials who went to Taiwan last year then shared details of their study and travel experiences with the group, well-illustrated with photos.

The Taiwan Study Seminar and the Mandarin Training Programme are two separate programmes to provide the participating EU officials with an opportunity to develop their Mandarin skills and improve their knowledge of Taiwan in general. They combine classes and seminars with extracurricular activities. Due to the great popularity the programmes have been enjoying in recent years, both have been expanded this year.
