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TFCF social workers receive valuable international training in New York

TFCF social workers receive valuable international training in New York

The Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (TFCF) is an organization whose mission focus is the welfare of Taiwan’s needy children and families. It is now in its 77th year. 18 social workers from TFCF participated in New York University’s 2014 Sino-American International Training Program, a 3-week intensive course from June 2 to June 20. New York University has held this international training program each year for 17 years now.

Despite their youthful appearance, all the participants have at least 3 years full-time professional experience. The course included lectures and presentations from NYU faculty, visits to various local social work organizations, and experiencing New York City’s unique cultural atmosphere. The group also met with leaders of New York City’s Department of the Aging and with the Chinese-American Planning Council to gain better perspectives on how local government and private organizations are working to better serve seniors, families, and children.

At the closing ceremony, held at the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office-NY on June 20, the participants gave a presentation sharing details of their experiences and what they had learnt. Some had stayed up late and combed through their photos to put together a very moving slideshow. They compared the different issues faced by needy people in Taiwan and those in New York City. All thanked their professors and the organizers profusely and finished by singing a thank-you song performed with hand gestures. As the 18 social workers from Taiwan affirmed, cultures and languages differ, but the importance of serving the least of us is exactly the same.
