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Interdisciplinary Learning for All x Talent Cultivation in Climate Change x Action-taking for Climate The MOE Outcome Presentation of Talent Cultivation in Climate Change and Reward Activity

Interdisciplinary Learning for All x Talent Cultivation in Climate Change x  Action-taking for Climate The MOE Outcome Presentation of Talent Cultivation in Climate Change  and Reward Activity

        On November 22, 2019, the Ministry of Education held the 2019 Outcome Presentation of Talent Cultivation in Climate Change and Reward Activity, of which the theme was Interdisciplinary Learning for All x Talent Cultivation in Climate Change x Action-taking for Climate, in National Taiwan University. The Media Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT was invited to deliver a keynote speech on climate actions. The Department of Information and Technology Education of the MOE expressed that people usually think of “crisis” when mentioning climate change, however, climate change will bring people more interdisciplinary learning and cooperation “turning points”. It is hoped that young students can practice what they have learned, devoting themselves into stopping or even reversing climate change, so as to activate the applications in related industry.

        This activity not only demonstrated the outcomes of 2019 Talent Cultivation in Climate Change, but also rewarded the prize winner teams for the Climate Change Creative Hands-on Competition; the Principal Researcher of the Media Lab, MIT, Luis Alonso, and the Research Scientist, Michael Lin were both invited to deliver their speeches respectively on topics of The Intelligent City Thinking under Climate Change: Moving Forward from Universities to the Whole World, and of The Industrial Applications and Future Trends of Climate Actions.
