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Ministry of Education Objectives for 2016 (January-December)

1.Implement the White Paper on Human Resources Development, establish forward-looking, innovative strategies for human resources development, promote flipped education and other forms of experimental education, strengthen industry-academy cooperation and alignment, focus on cultivating highly-skilled global citizens with wide-ranging expertise and an international outlook, and create a solid basis for sustainable national development.
2.Promote the transformation of higher education, develop model first-class universities, and promote an innovative system centered around regional universities; lead a highly-skilled workforce toward developing knowledge-intensive industries, and accelerate the training of people with a PhD and industry-oriented and interdisciplinary expertise.
3.Continue implementing the Technological and Vocational Education (TVE) Reform Plan, train highly-skilled technology professionals, and narrow the existing gap between education and employment demand; strengthen industry-academia links and TVE and the industry sector collaborating to jointly train skilled workers, jointly undertake trial production, business start-ups, and R&D, and make joint use of campus sites, human resources, and intellectual property, and thereby increase TVE quality and industry sector competiveness.
4.Vigorously promote and implement teachers’ pre-employment training and continuing on-the-job professional development (CPD); enhance the quality of elementary and secondary school teachers; implement and promote professional development evaluation and accreditation of elementary and secondary school teachers; establish professional development mechanisms for teachers; and promote and support art and aesthetic education to nurture the artistic awareness of the general public.
5.Incorporate holistic learning and skills development as well as academic learning into the 12-year basic education system, and improve student academic attainment monitoring mechanisms nationwide; enhance remedial instruction to ensure the quality of students’ academic attainment; subsidize senior secondary schools to achieve excellent educational quality, and strive to achieve balanced development of schools in all regions.
6.Construct quality elementary and junior high school environments; boost the number and quality of after-school care programs; accelerate the renovation of older buildings in elementary and junior high schools; put in place school-provided lunch programs and food safety management, and promote the health-promoting school certification program.
7.Set up high-quality education and safe learning environments for pre-school children; increase public involvement in pre-school education and care work, and increase educational opportunities for pre-school children; provide tuition-free pre-school education for 5-year-olds to reduce the burden that child-raising places on parents and guardians.
8.Promote innovation of education in rural areas to eliminate the urban-rural educational quality divide; integrate measures to assist socio-economically disadvantaged students to attend school to practically address social justice concerns; continue to promote courses in indigenous, and the maintenance and passing on of indigenous languages and cultures; fully put in place comprehensive Education Safety Net measures; and implement inclusive education for students with disabilities.
9.Enrich the scope and content of lifelong learning activities and put in place a comprehensive lifelong learning system; integrate government and private sector resources to expand family education services and make them more widely available and make education channels locally available to all senior citizens; develop social education institution networks, and provide advice to educational foundations to assist their sound development; and encourage the general public to read more by enhancing library resources.
10.Strengthen student affairs and counseling programs; implement gender equality, life education, and human rights regulations, and character education; prevent campus bullying and student drug abuse, and create friendly, healthy campuses, and safe learning environments.
11.Upgrade the operating power of the Taiwan Academic Network (TANet) and expand the range of its services; strengthen mobile and data security mechanisms on campuses; enhance students’ cloud-based e-learning competency, and their capacity to address social concerns using digital technology; promote information ethics and online safety; build environmentally sustainable campuses; and increase teachers’ and students’ environmental literacy, commitment to protecting the environment, and ability to prevent disasters and deal with contingencies.
12.Expand our program of attracting outstanding foreign students to Taiwan, and create a friendly environment for international students; attract excellent overseas Chinese students and international students to work in Taiwan after they graduate from university here to create a more diverse human resource pool; enhance students’ language skills and their international outlook, thereby increasing young people’s global mobility; further integrate our schools, colleges, and universities with international volunteer organizations, and major international corporations to jointly train highly-skilled people of international standard.
13.Assist young people to explore career options and expand their workplace experience; build stronger links between secondary schools, colleges, and universities and workplaces; encourage more young people to engage in public and community affairs; promote youth volunteering, charity work, and service learning; and encourage young people to take part in international events and exchanges, travel abroad, and expand their international outlook.
14.Focus more strongly on physical education in schools, colleges, and universities, and nurture students who regularly exercise as a habit; promote increased public participation in sports, and develop the Sports Island Project to encourage people to enjoy being physically active; cultivate excellent athletes and enhance Taiwan’s international competitiveness; and continue the planning and coordination for the 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade and for the 2019 East Asian Youth Games in Taichung.