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Ministry of Education Objectives for 2024 (January-December)

  1. ​Increase the number of public preschools, expand the availability of affordable educare services, provide children's education subsidies and childcare allowances to reduce the burden of child-raising for parents and guardians; implement the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines, refine teacher training and enhance teachers’ expertise, and provide adaptive, diverse educational resources in order to assist every child to achieve; improve the mechanisms to assist students in rural areas, students whose families are socio-economically disadvantaged, and students who have special education needs to safeguard their learning rights.
  2. Optimize educational institutions’ hardware and software facilities, and create safe, comfortable learning spaces; put in place comprehensive food safety management mechanisms, and steady provision of quality lunches on campuses; promote human rights friendly campuses, maintain students’ physical and mental health, and promote holistic development; promote digital learning advancement projects for primary and secondary schools, and strengthen digital teaching and learning; advance the training of people with information and communication skills, and protect information security.
  3. Implement the second phase of the Higher Edu cation Sprout Project to enhance international competitiveness; expand the recruitment of international and overseas Chinese students to undertake programs in key industry fields and encourage outstanding people to stay and work in Taiwan after graduating; set up research institutes in key national fields, to train high-level science and technology professionals for the nation; and set up regional industry skilled personnel and technology training bases. to augment the high-quality workforce for industry.
  4. Promote bilingual education with a strategy combining focused training with general dual-language track learning, train people with elite skills in key fields and comprehensively improve the English communication skills of the younger generation; advance the connections of Taiwan’s international education environment with other parts of the world, attract young scholars from around the globe to study in Taiwan, and establish Taiwan’s brand as a provider of high-quality Chinese language teaching; promote the sustainable development of Taiwan’s national languages, and create a friendly environment for language learning.
  5. Improve the education of indigenous and immigrant children, safeguard the learning rights of diverse ethnic groups, and build a lifelong learning society for all; expand the scope of young people’s participation in public and community affairs, strengthen young people’s career development and encourage them to experience learning; improve the quality of national sports training venues, and strengthen the training of outstanding competitive athletes, and put in place good care of all athletes; boost development of the sports industry; and create safe user-friendly sports environments which will further encourage all citizens to exercise regularly.