News Updates
- 886Taiwan Claims 2019 PONY World Series League Baseball Championship Title
- 887Taiwan Alumni & Taiwan Students Associations Reunion in San Francisco
- 888Chair of Taiwan Studies Roundtable at the University of Ottawa on “Indigenous historical and transitional justice in Taiwan”
- 889“2019 Taiwan Forward” – the ROC’s 108th Double Tenth National Day Celebration
- 8902019 Oct.: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 8912019 the 7th International Conference on Teacher Education held by the Ministry of Education The Achievement Demonstration of Our Nation’s Teacher Education and Connection to the International World
- 892The 2019 International Conference on Curriculum Leadership for Principals: Enhancing Implementation of the New Curriculum and Connections with the World
- 893The Annual Exhibition for Students of SPOSAD Ended Well
- 894The Ministry of Education handled the 2019 Taiwan Girls Day-- Storytelling with microfilms and photos
- 895Sharing Different Global Perspectives of Special Education The Ministry of Education holds the 1st International Conference on Special Education
- 896Our Nation’s First Implementation of “Taiwan and Austria Higher Education Science and Research Seed Funding” Scholarships 23 Students Received Scholarships to Go to Austria For Have Studies, Research, and Exchanges
- 897The Establishment of the Life Education Middle-Term Project Enabling Students to Comprehend Values of Life
- 898Youth POP Make The World Rock! 2019 Global Youth Trends Forum in Taiwan— Create a New Future with the Youths from Five Continents
- 899Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City holds TOCFL Test
- 900TECO Launches 2020 Professional Development Program in Taiwan for Chinese Language Teachers in Australia & New Zealand