News Updates
- 916Sophia Hsiang Ping Ma attends the 26th Hong Kong International Education and Careers Expo and hosts a presentation on Studying in Taiwan
- 917Yue Ming Elementary School Students Perform a Puppet Show in Japan: “Lost Camera at Sea”
- 918Orientation Meeting for 2019 EU-officials’ Study Trip to Taiwan
- 919Pre-departure Orientation in Los Angeles for Scholarship Recipients Heading Off to Study in Taiwan
- 920President Tsai Ing-wen attends discussion at Columbia University
- 9212019 Canada Cup International Softball Championship
- 922National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology holds EMBA Charter Ceremony and Alumni Banquet
- 923Chinese Taipei School, Kuala Lumpur holds 2019 Graduation Ceremony
- 924Overseas Taiwanese in Kobe and Osaka Take Part in the 49th Kobe Festival
- 925Representative Frank Hsieh Speaks at Waseda University on the Status and Prospects of Taiwan–Japan Relations
- 926Scholar from Taiwan Gives Lectures at Moscow City University
- 927Joint visit to Taiwan by Heads of KU Leuven and UCLouvain, Belgium’s Leading Universities
- 928Yin Chin Foundation Honors 2019 Scholarship Recipients
- 929Michigan State University Hosts Conversation with Stacey He, Author of “Three Moons”
- 930National Social Education Institutions toward the Internationalization Promoting Multiple Bilingual Special Exhibitions