News Updates
- 616Higher Education Delegation visits Belgium and the Netherlands
- 617Taiwan Claims 2019 PONY World Series League Baseball Championship Title
- 618Taiwan Alumni & Taiwan Students Associations Reunion in San Francisco
- 619Chair of Taiwan Studies Roundtable at the University of Ottawa on “Indigenous historical and transitional justice in Taiwan”
- 620“2019 Taiwan Forward” – the ROC’s 108th Double Tenth National Day Celebration
- 6212019 the 7th International Conference on Teacher Education held by the Ministry of Education The Achievement Demonstration of Our Nation’s Teacher Education and Connection to the International World
- 622The Ministry of Education handled the 2019 Taiwan Girls Day-- Storytelling with microfilms and photos
- 623Sharing Different Global Perspectives of Special Education The Ministry of Education holds the 1st International Conference on Special Education
- 624Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City holds TOCFL Test
- 625Choshi – a Tokyo 2020 Olympics Host Town Fully Dedicated to Welcoming Taiwan
- 626Taipei City University Scholars Give Lectures at Moscow City University’s International Education Symposium for the 2nd Consecutive Year
- 627Taipei City Department of Education Delegation visits Early Childhood Education Institutions in Berlin
- 6282019 Taiwan Educational Mission to the Walloon Region
- 629Houston’s 2019 Back to School Fest
- 630Taipei Vocational High School Students do Smart Mechanical Engineering Internships in Canada