News Updates
- 2386Minister of Education Photographed With Outgoing National University Presidents and Heads of Agencies under the Ministry
- 2387Minister of Education Cheng Jei-cheng and Librarian Su Zhong Exchange Name Plates Signifying Transfer of Taichung Library
- 2388Minister of Education Cheng Jei-cheng Visits Exhibition of Various Schools'Achievements in 2007 Organized by National Center of Teaching Excellence and Regional Resources
- 23892008 Ceremony to Confer Badges of Rank on Military Training Instructors Promoted to a Higher Rank
- 2390The Sayling Wen Cultural & Educational Foundation holds an event to solicit essays about a book donation event
- 2391Minister of Education Cheng Jei-cheng Presents Certificates of Election to Students Elected Members of Consultative Committee
- 2392Press Conference on the Awards for Literary Creations in Aboriginal Languages and announcement of The Dictionary of the Histories, Languages and Cultures of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples
- 2393Minister of Education Cheers on Elementary School Baseball Team
- 2394Nourish 3Q and change your life forever
- 2395Community colleges raise awareness of the importance of lifelong learning
- 2396The government and private sector work together to promote reading
- 2397Quality senior high and vocational schools found in the neighborhood
- 2398Distance learning offers home access to education resources for people living on offshore islands and remote areas
- 2399A Group Photo of the Minister of Education and the Winners of the Three-legged Race
- 2400Awards Presentation Ceremony and Press Conference for the First Annual Indigenous Literature Competition