News Updates
- 586Gold Medalists of IENA and SIIF Visit Ministry of Education
- 587Integrating English Teaching Theory and Practice, High School English Teachers Share Their Overseas Experiences
- 588The Education Division in Paris Works on Sustainable Bilateral Ties between Taiwan and French High Schools
- 589First “India-Taiwan Students Conference on India and China: Exploring New Rising Powers” held in New Delhi
- 590NTU and UTAR offer a 4-year joint PHD program
- 591“2014 Taiwan Culture Week” held at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
- 592Opening of The University System of Taiwan-Chinese University of Hong Kong-Peking University Joint Research Centre for Language & Human Complexity
- 593The Netherlands-Asia Honorary Summer School Programme Expands
- 5942014 Australian National University Taiwan Studies Program Extended
- 595Taiwan Research Visiting Scholar Grant Program 2013 – a University of Zagreb Scholar
- 59612 students from the Central Police University in Taiwan visit Houston
- 597A Zheng Chouyu Lecture and Poetry Reading Event Impressed the Audience with the Beauty of Taiwan’s Literature
- 598Workshop on the Diaoyu(tai)-Senkaku Dispute Held at the University of Ottawa
- 599Development of the TOCFL in the U.K.
- 600Lin, Deputy Director Education Division visits Chonan in Chiba Prefecture