News Updates
- 901My semester of language learning in Taiwan
- 902A Study-in-Taiwan Seminar for Young Thai Scientists at Kamnoetvidya Science Academy
- 9032017 Houston Chinese language teacher professional development workshop a great success
- 904Symposium on Innovation and Application of Intelligent Machinery in Taiwan held in Osaka enhances Taiwan‒Japan Academic Exchanges and Industrial Technology Cooperation
- 905Taiwan Delegation Promotes Mandarin Learning at ACTFL Conference in Boston
- 906NY Education Division organizes first New York Metropolitan Area Intercollegiate Chinese Singing Contest
- 907The MOE Department of International and Cross-Strait Education signs an MOU with the Province of the Tyrol of the Republic of Austria
- 908Thammasat University Delegation Visits Taiwan to Discuss Further Education Collaboration
- 909Taiwan welcomes 2017 New Colombo Plan Scholars
- 910Year-End Work Review and Farewell Luncheon for Prominent Education Partner
- 911The MOE Holds the First New Residents Dance Competition
- 912Taiwan attends Seoul International Invention Fair 2016
- 9132016 Malaysia Secondary School Counselors Workshop
- 9142016 World Taekwondo Junior Championships
- 915Thai Expert Consultation Meetings for Strategic Planning for the New Southward Policy held in Bangkok and Chiangmai