News Updates
- 481The Cincinnati Waldorf School Mandarin Program
- 482An Innovative Mandarin Immersion Preschool
- 4832020 Taiwan Girls Day- ‘16-Year-old Taiwanese Girls’ Special Exhibition
- 484New YouTube Channel for Thai Students Interested in Taiwan
- 485Taiwanese Student Selected as One of Japan’s High School Student Peace Ambassadors
- 486Japanese Teachers and Students Welcome Online Seminars about Taiwan
- 487Taiwanese Scholar Gives an Online Lecture at the International Education Symposium at Moscow City University
- 488The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Paraguay Holds Virtual Orientation for Taiwan Scholarship Recipients
- 489Education Division at TECO in LA & CLTA-SC Host Virtual Workshop on How to Teach Chinese
- 490Webinar Gives Taiwanese Students Practical Basic Legal Information
- 491Education Division of TECO in Canada Hosts Taiwan Scholarship Winner
- 492Interdepartmental Cooperation Launched ‘iTaxi Wheelchair-Accessible Taxis Booking System’ A New Convenient and Diverse Option for Physically and Mentally Disabled Students to Go to and from School
- 493Anti-drug Stage Performance- ‘Light, Always on’
- 494The Ministry of Education Launched an Anti-bullying Stage Performance- ‘Friends, Let’s Be Together’, Premiering at Taipei Municipal Daan Vocational High School on September 4
- 495Award of The Third ‘My Future, I Decide’ Anti-drug Microfilm Competition of the Ministry of Education has been Announced