News Updates
- 511The Ministry of Education Launched an Anti-bullying Stage Performance- ‘Friends, Let’s Be Together’, Premiering at Taipei Municipal Daan Vocational High School on September 4
- 512Award of The Third ‘My Future, I Decide’ Anti-drug Microfilm Competition of the Ministry of Education has been Announced
- 513Taiwan’s Ministry of Education and the British Office Taipei Sign Letter of Intent
- 514The Annual Exhibition for Students of SPOSAD
- 515Representatives of Gold Medal Winners from Nine International Inventions Exhibitions in 2019 and 2020 Received by the Ministry of Education
- 516The Taiwan Studies Program at the University of Washington Strengthened
- 517Taiwan’s Chinese Language Education Promoted at CLTA-Texas 2020 Conference
- 518Ministry of Education & Columbia University Renew the Taiwan Columbia Scholarship Program
- 519The Education Division of TECRO Encourages Scholars in the US to Apply for Taiwan Fellowships
- 520Orientatin for Filipino students soon leaving for Taiwan
- 521Partnering for Strength: Vel Tech in India to Set up a Taiwan Education Centre
- 5222020 Malaysia TOCFL Held Successfully
- 523Taiwanese Student Association in Kansai Japan Holds First Joint Meeting this Year
- 524Scholarship holder Ms. Lin Yu-Yin Performs at the 7. Piano Loop Festival in Croatia
- 525Taiwan Scholarship Recipient Learns to Speak Minnan