News Updates
- 571Pupils Interview the Representative for Taiwan in the United Kingdom
- 572Taiwan Hockey Team wins Gold in the U18 World Cup
- 573Pakeriran Screens at San Francisco Main Library to celebrate the Lunar New Year
- 574A Tsai Ming-Liang Film Retrospective Opens at the University of Chicago
- 575TECO New York’s Education Division Hosts Seminar on Education Diplomacy
- 576UK research council seeks to enhance academic cooperation ties with Taiwan
- 577Digital Citizens – Joining Hands to Forge the Future EdTech Taiwan Exhibition held in IT Month
- 578Education Division in Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh Co-hosts Conference for Mandarin Teachers in Central Vietnam
- 579Intensive Mandarin Program for Malaysian Officials and Teachers held in Taiwan
- 580Taiwan International Science Fair Team Participates in “Scientists of the Future” - an International Research and Engineering Projects Competition at Moscow State University
- 581NCCU Professor Gives a Talk on Qualitative Research to Taiwanese Students in the UK
- 582Taiwanese International Yi Yun Hsu arrives in Flanders
- 583TECO in Los Angeles joins the USC Annual Gala Concert to Kick off the Holiday Season
- 584U.S. NSEP Establishes First Chinese Overseas Flagship Center in Taiwan
- 585TECO Hosts Annual Taiwan Student Association Meeting in Ottawa
- 586The Ministry of Education Has Researched and Compiled Supplementary Teaching Materials for All-Out Defense Education for Primary and Junior High Schools According to the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education of Academic Year 108
- 587Converging Youth Energies, Being Courageous to Challenge the Future— The Ministry of Education and the United States Environmental Protection Agency Cooperated to Jointly Cultivate International Youth Leadership of Environmental Education
- 588Interdisciplinary Learning for All x Talent Cultivation in Climate Change x Action-taking for Climate The MOE Outcome Presentation of Talent Cultivation in Climate Change and Reward Activity
- 589School Environmental Education in a Link with the South-bound Countries to Establish a New Partnership
- 5902019 Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program Orientation and Welcome Party for Newly Arrived International Scholarship Recipients
- 591Youth Volunteer Get-together ! The "Youth Volunteer, Youth Pumping" Activity Series Start-up Enthusiastically!
- 592"MONKEY CUP" New Southbound International University Futsal Invitational Tournament National Campaign of Football - 4 Countries with 8 Universities
- 593Taiwanese–German Higher Education Policy Forum to Facilitate Scientific and Research Dialogue and Cooperation
- 5942019 Teachers in Aesthetic Education Go to the Netherlands to Visit Aesthetic and Art Education, Gaining Fruitful Experiences
- 595Teachers in Aesthetic Education go to Bangkok, Thailand to Explore the Beauty of Art Integrated into Life
- 5962019 "Youth Volunteer, Youth Pumping" Let the Youth Volunteer become the whirlwind of changing the world
- 597Taiwan-Japan Disaster Prevention Experience Interchange - Sharing Together Resilience Disaster Risk Reduction Education 20th Anniversary of the 921 Earthquake - Retrospection and Prospection of Taiwan-Japan Recovery Status of Disaster
- 598International Forum on K-12 Digital Learning – Advancing Digital Learning & International Exchanges Hand in Hand
- 599The Ministry of Education Holds the 2019 Convention of Supervisors in Teacher Education Universities and Education Practicum Best Performance Awards Ceremony
- 6002019 Global Youth Trends Forum — Action Plans from 26 Countries Create an ideal new world