News Updates
- 841A Tsai Ming-Liang Film Retrospective Opens at the University of Chicago
- 842TECO New York’s Education Division Hosts Seminar on Education Diplomacy
- 843UK research council seeks to enhance academic cooperation ties with Taiwan
- 844Students and Teachers Invited to Participate in the Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science
- 8452020 Jan.: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 846Digital Citizens – Joining Hands to Forge the Future EdTech Taiwan Exhibition held in IT Month
- 847To Establish Guidelines for Facilitating Character and/or Moral Education Programs, and to Cultivate Character and/or Moral Culture in the Republic of China (Taiwan)
- 848Education Division in Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh Co-hosts Conference for Mandarin Teachers in Central Vietnam
- 849Intensive Mandarin Program for Malaysian Officials and Teachers held in Taiwan
- 850Taiwan International Science Fair Team Participates in “Scientists of the Future” - an International Research and Engineering Projects Competition at Moscow State University
- 851NCCU Professor Gives a Talk on Qualitative Research to Taiwanese Students in the UK
- 852Taiwanese International Yi Yun Hsu arrives in Flanders
- 853TECO in Los Angeles joins the USC Annual Gala Concert to Kick off the Holiday Season
- 854U.S. NSEP Establishes First Chinese Overseas Flagship Center in Taiwan
- 855TECO Hosts Annual Taiwan Student Association Meeting in Ottawa
- 856Taiwan-Germany University of Science and Technology Alliance Encourages Exchange and Communication between Teachers and Students 72 Teachers and Students Went to Germany to Research and Study
- 857Response to Topic of International Day of Education: Learning for People, Planet, Prosperity and Peace Ministry of Education Promotes Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education Pathways Toward Sustainable Development
- 858The Ministry of Education Has Researched and Compiled Supplementary Teaching Materials for All-Out Defense Education for Primary and Junior High Schools According to the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education of Academic Year 108
- 8592019 Trial Implementation of Public Lending Right in National Public Libraries
- 8602019 Dec.: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 861Regard the Best Interests of the Child as the Priority UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- 8622019 Nov.: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 863Converging Youth Energies, Being Courageous to Challenge the Future— The Ministry of Education and the United States Environmental Protection Agency Cooperated to Jointly Cultivate International Youth Leadership of Environmental Education
- 864Interdisciplinary Learning for All x Talent Cultivation in Climate Change x Action-taking for Climate The MOE Outcome Presentation of Talent Cultivation in Climate Change and Reward Activity
- 865School Environmental Education in a Link with the South-bound Countries to Establish a New Partnership
- 866The 2019 Taiwan International Student Design Competition Award Ceremony will be held December 6
- 8672019 Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program Orientation and Welcome Party for Newly Arrived International Scholarship Recipients
- 868Youth Volunteer Get-together ! The "Youth Volunteer, Youth Pumping" Activity Series Start-up Enthusiastically!
- 869Experience the Passion for Reading in Taiwan 2019 Taiwan Reading Festival Kicks Off Nationwide
- 8702019 Taiwan International Student Design Competition Announces its Winners!