News Updates
- 511Taiwan’s Top University Strategic Alliance Sends Graduate Students and Visiting Scholars to UC Berkeley
- 5122014 Seminar on Youth Public Participation and International Humanitarianism in the Age of Globalization in Taiwan
- 513BSP Berlin looking for Partner University in Taiwan
- 514Deputy Secretary General of Standing Conference accepts Taiwan’s Ministry of Education invitation to visit Taiwan
- 515College Students Promote in Remote Area Art Education
- 516Education Division Deputy Director Dr. Lin Visits Yamanashi to Discuss University Exchange Programs
- 517The MOE issued amendments to the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education on August 5, 2014.
- 518Belgian College Students Attend Orientation about Studying in Taiwan
- 519Taiwan Wins Two Gold, Two Silver at International Chemistry Olympiad
- 52010 students from Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan visit Houston
- 521National Science & Technology Museum Director-General Visits Museums in California
- 522Taiwan Wins Five Gold Medals at International Physics Olympiad
- 523Taiwan Wins One Gold, Three Silver at First-Ever Taiwan-Hosted International Olympiad in Informatics
- 5242014 Taiwan and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Certificate Presentation in Los Angeles
- 525Taiwan-Japan Youth Forum promotes friendly exchanges between youth groups
- 526Association of National Universities of Science & Technology of Taiwan Delegation visits University of Ljubljana & University of Zagreb
- 527The Recipients of 2014 Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Awarded at TECO in Canada
- 528“Taiwan: the View from the South” at the Australian Centre on China in the World
- 529Festivities at University of Tübingen’s ERCCT
- 530Director General of MOE Department of Technological & Vocational Education visits Germany
- 531Taiwan Wins Four Gold Medals at International Biology Olympiad
- 532Taiwan Ranks Third in International Mathematics Olympiad, the Best Since 1992
- 533North American Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA) celebrates its 20th annual meeting
- 534Higher Education Institutions from Taiwan Participate in the 66th NAFSA in San Diego
- 535Young Australian Talent Shines at the 2014 Huayu Enrichment Scholar Awards
- 536TSMC Recruits Top Students across New England
- 537Don J. Wang Endowed Fellowship Supports Taiwanese Graduate Students at Utah State University
- 538French Awardees of 2014 Taiwanese Scholarships and Grants Participate in a Pre-departure Orientation in Paris
- 539Excellent Teacher Award Delegation Visits Austria
- 540Elite Study in Taiwan Alumni Association founded in Aceh, Indonesia