News Updates
- 1801Hong Kong Alumni Association of National Taipei University holds inauguration ceremony
- 1802TUSA Scholar Speaks in New England on U.S.-Russian Relations
- 1803Taipei Medical University makes an important donation to Paraguay’s National University of Asuncion
- 1804Changing perspectives and opportunities: the study experience in Taiwan
- 1805Dancers from Taiwan shine on stage at Australian National University Arts Centre
- 1806Washington State Superintendent Visits Taiwan and Signs MOU with the MOE K-12 Education Administration
- 1807Distinguished Lecture in Taiwan Studies: Context Discovery in the Taiwan History Digital Library: Challenges and Solutions - Held at McGill University
- 18082014 Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) in Western Canada
- 1809MOE Holds Personnel Training Program International Symposium on Adaptation to Climate Change for Sustainability: Educational Aspect
- 1810Visually impaired people from Taiwan and Japan take a friendship tour in Japan with tandem bicycles
- 1811MOE Political Deputy Minister Huang Pi-twan Visits Schools in Hualien
- 1812Visit to Kiel University
- 1813Education Division Participates in German Education Fair in Munich
- 1814Meeting for Overseas Taiwanese Scholarship Students in London
- 1815Education Division Deputy-Director Addresses the 31st Japanese Solidarity Learning Group Leaving to Visit Taiwan.
- 1816189 Teams Participate The Final Competitions of “2013 National Folk Song Competition for Teachers and Students” in Kaohsiung
- 18172014 Annual Taiwan Student Leadership Forum at Education Division in TECO Boston Discusses International Mobility
- 1818Taiwan-Thailand Elite 600 Scholarship Program Information Seminars
- 1819The Light of Life - MOE Promotes “On Light” Project for Youth
- 1820Five-years of cooperation on Taiwan Studies between the Ministry of Education and University of Maryland, College Park successfully implemented
- 18212014 Mar: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 1822Basketball Tournament Enriches Friendship
- 1823Ambassador Tien Chung-Kwang attends the Yonex Sunrise India Open 2014 to cheer on badminton players from Taiwan
- 1824Internet Chinese Chess Tournament between Hamburg and Taipei Chess Clubs
- 1825First ever Calligraphy Event at HUBrussel great success
- 1826National Central Library & NTUP universities present books to Columbia University at 2014 AAS
- 1827U-START Helps Young People Become Entrepreneurs
- 1828The 6th U. S. Midwest Chinese Speech Contest
- 1829Cooperative Memorandum Strengthens Chinese Studies Links between Key Libraries in Australia and in Taiwan
- 1830Ambassador Tien Chung-Kwang meets Prof. Sudhir Kumar Sopory, Vice-Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru University