News Updates
- 1551Chinese Taipei breezes to 12-1 victory in PONY League World Series Championship
- 1552Chien Kuo Senior High School Marching Band Play for Major League Beginning at Chicago White Sox Stadium
- 1553Children from Chiayi City participated in the 27th Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) in Japan representing Taiwan
- 1554North American Taiwan Studies Association Annual Conference Held at Harvard University
- 1555MOE Higher Education Delegation Visits Offices of Institutional Research at the University of California and Stanford University
- 1556 Chinese Taipei delegation arrives at LA to attend 2015 Special Olympics World Games
- 1557National Cheng Kung University and the University of Ottawa Renew MOU on Research Cooperation
- 1558TECO in Osaka and Osaka University have signed a Taiwan Lectureship agreement
- 1559Taipei First Girls High School Marching Band Tours Austria
- 1560Taipei Youth Folk Sports Group Gives Spectacular Performance in Houston
- 1561Taiwan Resource Centre of Chinese Studies set up at the University of Malaya
- 1562INK REMIX – an Exhibition of Contemporary art from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong Opens in Australia
- 1563National Taiwan Normal University and Ruhr University Bochum in Germany have signed an academic exchange and cooperation MOU
- 1564Welcome Party in Thailand for Taiwanese Teachers & Teaching Assistants
- 15652015 Jun.: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 1566Taiwan wins four gold medals and one silver in the 2015 International Physics Olympiad
- 1567Taiwan Wins One Silver, Five Gold Medals at 2015 International Physics Olympiad
- 1568Press Conference Launches the 55th Elementary and High School Science Exhibition
- 1569Photographic exhibition: A Narrative of Light and Shadow
- 1570Orientation meeting for EU-officials before their study trip to Taiwan
- 1571Minister Wu Visited the 2015 Science Carnival
- 1572Friendly baseball game between Taiwanese and Japanese young people held in Osaka
- 1573Minister of Education Wu Se-Hwa Visits Athletes Preparing for the Rio Olympics
- 1574Vice President Wu Gives Bonus to the Taiwan Team Ahead of the 2015 Summer Universiade
- 1575Early Childhood Education Scholars from Taiwan visit Berlin
- 1576German Students from Friedrich Engels Gymnasium visit Partner Senior High Schools in Taipei
- 1577Taipei Jingmei Girls High School Performs in Kuala Lumpur International Marching Band Competition
- 1578HKTSA 2015 Spring Basketball Competition
- 15792015 Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival “Beyond Taiwan” Features 7 Remarkable Movies
- 1580National Ping Tung University of Science and Technology delegation visits Belgium and the Netherlands to enhance international cooperation
- 15812nd Book donation to Belgian Institute for Higher Chinese Studies
- 1582Taiwan Cambridge Scholarship Agreement Renewed
- 15832015 May: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 15841st Level-Up Taiwan Game Design Festival Held in New York
- 1585Hsinchu Municipal Cheng De Senior High School delegation visits sister school in Tokushima, receiving a warm welcome
- 1586Ministry of Education Promotes Cooperation and Exchanges between Boston University and Institutions of Higher Education in Taiwan
- 1587Hsu Yue-Er from Taiwan wins the bronze medal in the I-SWEEEP contest
- 1588The Education Division of TECO in Chicago held an orientation for the 2015 MOE Huayu Scholarship winners before they set off to Taiwan
- 1589Taiwan Comprehensive University System (TCUS) seeks opportunities for cooperation with TU9 in Germany
- 1590Young Australians win 2015 Scholarships to Study in Taiwan
- 1591Superintendent of Cathay General Hospital, Prof. Dr. Chih-Ming Lin gives lecture in the National University of Asuncion
- 1592Yu Ming Charter School in Northern California Recruits 4 Teaching Assistants from Taiwan for the 2015 School Year
- 1593Promoting Chinese Language Education in Arizona
- 1594The Chair of Taiwan Studies “ROC (Taiwan) and Canada Relations:Prospects & Opportunities” Held in McGill University
- 1595New York Education Division holds Taiwanese Students Illustration Exhibition
- 1596New Taipei Municipal HaiShan High School and Trinity School London Sign Partnership Agreement
- 1597Elite Study In Taiwan (ESIT) Project Office promotes Taiwan’s higher education in Thailand
- 1598Academic Exchange Between the University of Ottawa and National Dong Hua University Begins on May 4, 2015
- 15997th American Midwest Chinese Speech Contest Held
- 16002015 Apr.: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests