News Updates
- 651Taiwanese Student Associations in Moscow and St. Petersburg Hold Joint Online Spring Gathering at Lunar New Year
- 652Austrian/Taiwanese Online Seminar on “New Approaches for Sustainability & Climate Change Research”
- 653Taiwanese Student Societies in the UK Strengthen Links with Students
- 654Taiwanese Student Association Leuven Celebrates a Traditional Holiday Creatively
- 655UCLA Asia Pacific Center Hosts Virtual International Symposium on Research on Taishang (Taiwanese Business)
- 656The Education Division of TECO-NY co-sponsors “Why Learn Chinese?” Seminar at Scranton University
- 657You Deserve to Explore at 18 Before Taking The Next Step Youth Education and Employment Savings Account Program
- 658The “2020 Annual Report on Reading Atmosphere and Reading Engagement in Taiwan” is Released Uninterrupted learning, despite the pandemic The public continues to demonstrate a passion for reading
- 659College and University Entrance Exam for Physically and Mentally Disabled Students of the Academic Year 110 Starts Today
- 660Cultivate Capability of Future-Independent New Generation ITmonth’s EdTech Taiwan
- 6612021 Feb.: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 662In Response to the Annual International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Please Support Inclusive Education - Taking the Initiative, Engaging in Interaction, Seeking the Common Good
- 663Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City holds TOCFL Tests
- 664Malaysia–Taiwan Counseling Teachers Training Workshop Held in Perak
- 665Artwork of Niao Song High School of the Arts in Yunlin County and Jing Jhong Elementary School in Chiayi City Students Exhibited in Kyoto
- 666Japanese Students’ Interest in Studying in Taiwan Reaches New Heights
- 667SOAS, University of London Hosts Online Study in Taiwan Information Session
- 668Taiwan Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara
- 669Online Taiwan Scholarship Information Session
- 670Taiwan Film Festival of Boston Holds Online Information Session for Volunteers
- 671Specialized Cases of Overseas Students in Universities and Colleges Returning to the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Response to the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) Testing procedure instructions after the completion of home quarantine
- 672Postpone the second semester of the Academic Year 109
- 673Reminder concerning epidemic prevention measures when conducting gathering activities at schools at all levels
- 674Ministry of Education Bulletin
- 6752021 Jan.: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 676TECO in Vietnam visits Thai Nguyen University - Lao Cai Campus
- 677Industry Cooperation: Regulations and Application Seminar Held in Ho Chi Minh City
- 678The Education Division at TECO in Malaysia & the Taiwan Alumni Association of Sabah Organize a “Sabah Elite Leadership Training Workshop”
- 679Hosei University Teachers & Students Visit TECRO Japan
- 680Austrian Students & Lecturers Undertake Study & Research Visits to Taiwan on Jointly Funded Scholarships
- 681Fenggui Elementary School in Penghu County & Peace Valley Charter School in Idaho Sign a Memorandum of Understanding
- 682Harvard University Taiwanese Students Association Holds a Role Playing Game to Ease Exam-related Stress
- 683TECRO in the US and AIT Launch a US–Taiwan Education Initiative to Expand Cooperation on Language Education
- 684Ministry of Education and Schools Work Together to Reduce Deaths on Campuses
- 685Integrating Design into Campuses: Aesthetic Feelings on Campus Have Been Transformed An achievements event on the “Design Movement on Campus”
- 686International students come together to Taiwan, where the one-hundred thirty thousand overseas student mark has been passed
- 6872020 Dec.: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 6882020 Nov.: Invitations and Meetings with Foreign Guests
- 689From Taiwan to India: A Teacher’s Journey amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 690Educators’ Physical and Mental Health Webinar in Malaysia Promotes Positive Strategies for Coping with Pressure from the Pandemic
- 691Taipei Municipal Zhong Zheng Senior High School Dance Class Performs Russian Folk Dances
- 692Eight Projects being Jointly Undertaken by Universities in Austria and Taiwan Selected for Funding
- 693Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language in the Netherlands during the Pandemic
- 694University of Washington Taiwan Study Program releases online interview about Indigenous Studies in Taiwan
- 695MIT–Harvard 5*5 Academic Presentations Held Online
- 696The University of Pittsburgh Establishes new Taiwan Studies Program
- 697Online Orientation for Taiwan Scholarship & Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Recipients
- 698Taiwanese Students’ Remarkable Creativity- the 2020 International Design Competition Award Ceremony and Achievements Conference
- 699The 2020 International Conference of Career Transitions for College Students with Disabilities Assisting students with their last mile through the cooperation of industries, academia and government agencies
- 7002020 The International Conference on Special Education- Utilizing Science and Technology to Connect the Practical Experience of Special Education in a Variety of Countries